
Oh the waiting

I've always heard from my fellow mommies that the last month of your pregnancy is the worst for a lot of reasons...mainly the waiting! I'm there! I'm so anxious to see my baby girl, Lailey Kay. I think she is anxious too if not squished beyond reason. Last ultrasound she was head down so the lil monkey is assuming the position. My favorite part of pregnancy has been her movement. I began feeling flutters around 22 weeks. I wasn't quite sure but I think it started a few weeks earlier. I just didn't know if I had gas or what. I do remember the very moment I KNEW it was her. It was about 4 a.m. and I turned over in bed and I felt the most distinct kick on my left side. It woke me up fully and I laid there for an hour, smiling, thinking, talking to her. It was REAL then! Ever since then I CHERISH those times in the day when she is so active. She definitely has a pattern..her "awake" and "sleep" times.

I have approximately 5 weeks to delivery. I'm not sure that I'll go to term. Gestational Diabetes may override that. Everything i've read and seen on TV (I'm obsessed with Discovery Health delivery shows) it seems most women are induced early to ensure the baby doesn't get too big. I only wish this would happen for her to get here! And I know Gerica wants her to get here before she has to go back to school. One problem that can arise with GD is the lungs can be underdeveloped and since this is the one of the last things to develop in gestation, I certainly do not want her to have lung issues. So I trust she'll get here right when she's supposed to get here.

I am hoping for a normal know..the conventional method...NO SURGERY! But..I'm not one of those woman who is gonna freak out if I have to have a C-Section. In fact, the closer I get to delivery, the more a section might be totally okay with me. I'm getting a little nervous about the pain.
