
Crazy Weather

I'm ready for different...well maybe just consistent weather. It's beautiful right now (2:26pm CST) but has been gray and cloudy with serious wind all day. Tonight...calling for thunderstorsm. Oh the temperature says 72! I had to turn the air conditioner on in my condo! Tomorrow....high of 38 and chance of snow! WTF????? Seriously!?! I will never get well.

I think the weather has a large impact on how well I work too. The gray, gloomy skies bring a melancholy and procrastination that drives me NUTS! The spring type weather puts a well....spring in my step and gives me a burst of energy that makes me feel like I could do anything. I need more of the latter. I have a lot to do.

I have a 6 month old that is beginning to teeth. She is such a good baby but has been somewhat fussy this week.
